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Família, amigos e afeto

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

A carta de Pedro de Saisset ao irmão D. Pedro II, enviada em janeiro de 1865, jamais foi respondida. O imperador do Brasil guardou um grande silêncio em relação a ele e a seus filhos. Pedro aceitou aquela decisão e não forçou o contato, estava evidente que a sua presença era indesejada. Mas se essa rejeição causou-lhe alguma frustração, o problema foi logo superado. Afinal, a vida de empresário na Califórnia oferecia muito mais futuro do que uma aventura no Rio de Janeiro, onde seria apenas o irmão bastardo do imperador. Ele ficou exatamente onde estava, construiu a sua própria família e obteve muito sucesso nos negócios.

Family, friends and affection

Pedro de Saisset's letter to his brother D. Pedro II, sent in January 1865, was never answered. The Emperor of Brazil kept a great silence towards him, his wife and children. Pedro accepted that decision and did not force the contact, it was evident that his presence was unwanted, but if such rejection caused him any frustration, the situation was fast overcome. After all, the life as a businessman in California offered much more future than an adventure in Rio de Janeiro where he would probably just be seen as the bastard brother of the Emperor. Instead of moving to Brazil, he stayed right where he was, built his own family and became very successful in business.

No rancho em San Jose, com esposa, filhos e amigos

On the ranch in San Jose with his wife, children and friends

A família no quintal de casa

The family reunited in the backyard

Chá com a filha Isabel

Tea with daughter Isabel

Isabel e Henriette se refrescam no riacho

Isabel and Henriette cool off in the creek

As fotos acima são propriedade do "de Saisset Museum" e integram a coleção permanente, Santa Clara University, doação de Al e Frances Hicks

The above photographs are the property of the "de Saisset Museum" and are part of the permanent collection/Santa Clara University, donation made by Al and Frances Hick

A esposa Maria de Jesus Palomares de Sunol (Jesusita)

Pedro’s wife Maria de Jesus Palomares de Sunol (Jesusita)

Cortesia Smith-Layton Archives, Sourisseau Academy for State and Local History

Courtesy Smith-Layton Archives, Sourisseau Academy for State and Local History

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